planning Department

Planning and Building Safety staff have designed an Online Portal to submit projects, view status updates, and manage documents and fees. Applicants or owners can access individual projects, real-time updates, department revisions, required documents, and fee information. Other features include managing inspection requests and researching public documents.


Planning and Building Safety staff have designed an Online Portal to submit projects, view status updates, and manage documents and fees. Applicants or owners can access individual projects, real-time updates, department revisions, required documents, and fee information. Other features include managing inspection requests and researching public documents.

Pre-Design - Early in the process of designing a project, you should first review the City’s Zoning Ordinance (Malibu Municipal Code Title 17) and the Local Coastal Program Local Implementation Plan, as well as other applicable Code sections. You may consult with the City and County Departments that are involved in reviewing planning applications. See the Planning Agency Contact handout for a complete list of Departments. For Woolsey Fire Rebuild projects, contact Aakash Shah at


Step 1. Register and submit your project through the Development Portal.

Step 2. Once your request is received, staff will staff will direct you to the Development Portal to upload a preliminary set of plans, if applicable. Based on these plans, staff will provide you a submittal checklist of required documents.

Step 3. Once you have gathered the required documents, you may upload all application documents through the Online Portal.

Step 4. The Submittal Administrator will review your application documents. Once the documents have been satisfactorily submitted, pay fees through the Online Portal.

Step 5. Once payment is received, your application is officially filed. It will be routed to reviewing departments. Also, you will receive an email with the name of your assigned Case Planner.


Step 1. You must have Planning approval before moving forward to Building Safety.

Step 2. Register and submit your project for Building plan check through the Development Portal. Be sure to include “plan check” in the Project Description.

Step 3. Once you have gathered the required documents, you may upload all application documents through the Online Portal.

Step 4. The Permit Technician will review your application documents. Once the documents have been satisfactorily submitted, pay fees through the Online Portal.

Step 5. After any corrections have been addressed in building plan check, request permits through the Development Portal.