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The present Act lays down provisions relating to land survey in the province of New Brunswick. In particular, the Act sets out details of land surveying procedures. Section 2 establishes that the Service New Brunswick shall establish and maintain a system of plane rectangular coordinates for locating points on the earth’s surface. A surveyor with at least five years experience as such shall be designated as Director of Surveys by Service New Brunswick. The text – consisting of 16 sections – deals with the following matters: establishment of a coordinate survey system, director of surveys, duty of surveyor, form of report, note or plan of surveyors, power of Cabinet respecting integrated survey area, filing respecting integrated survey area plan, filing respecting amended integrated survey area plan, duty of surveyor to tie to coordinate monument, survey plan respecting integrated survey area, filing of value of coordinate monuments, lost legal monuments, power of trespass, offences and penalties and municipal agreements and advisory councils. The text consists of 15 sections and 1 Schedule.
Repeals: Surveys Act (R.S.N.B. 1973, c. S-17). (1999-06-30)