The Tennessee Law Review is published quarterly and edited by UT Law students. The publisher is the Tennessee Law Review Association, Inc., a not-for-profit organization.
The Tennessee Law Review welcomes manuscripts on any area of law and related disciplines, provided the treatment given to the topic is scholarly and well-researched. Every submission is reviewed on an anonymous basis.
Manuscripts should adhere to the following guidelines:
We only accept electronic submissions through Scholastica. Please note that if you use this service, we will not send a separate acknowledgment of receipt; the only acknowledgment that your manuscript has been received will come from Scholastica.
The domestic subscription rate is $30 per volume or $12 per single issue, plus postage. The foreign subscription rate is $32 per volume or $14 per single issue, plus postage. To subscribe, contact us via email or phone at 865-974-4464. You may also write to us at:
Tennessee Law Review Association, Inc.
University of Tennessee College of Law
1505 Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1810
Unless notice to the contrary is received, the journal assumes that a renewal of the subscription is desired. All claims for non-receipt of an issue should be made within six months of the date of publication if the claimant wishes to avoid paying for the missing issue. (Subscription information: ISSN 0040-3288)
All symposium issues and many back issues are available for $12 per single issue, plus postage; the foreign rate is $14 per single issue, plus postage.
For all requests related to reprinting articles, posting on SSRN, or any other copyright and licensing permissions, contact us.